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Scouting Forward
The theme of the 85th Anniversary Celebration is "Scouting Forward", signifying that our members, old scouts, and leaders will continue to move forward hand in hand, leading the our Group to even greater achievements. In the face of changing times, we remain committed to keeping pace with progress by incorporating modern technology into scouting activities, inspiring members' creative thinking, and expanding their global perspectives. We will combine tradition with innovation to enable every member to reach their full potential, together embracing a brighter future.
八十五周年慶典的主題為 Scouting Forward ,寓意我們的成員、舊成員和領袖將繼續攜手向前,帶領港島第十六旅創造更加輝煌的時刻。在面對時代變遷的同時,我們堅持與時並進,將現代科技融入童軍活動,啟發成員的創意思維,並拓展國際視野。我們將結合傳統與創新,讓每位成員發揮無限潛能,共同迎接更光明的未來。
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