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Our History

Old Group Photo in 1950s

Early Years

經利眾修士 (Brother Frederick Grimshaw) 早於1939年開始籌備成立十六旅。1940年6月1日,十六旅正式成立。早期的香港童軍總會未有畫分行政管理區域,故當時旅團的名稱為「香港第十六旅」。各旅團的號碼,是按其成立的先後次序分配,迄今香港已有超過一千二百個童軍旅團,十六旅是少數歷史悠久的童軍旅團。二戰前,旅團於柴灣有一營地,由童軍親手開墾。每逢假期,營地滿是營帳和活躍的童軍。

Brother Frederick Grimshaw began preparations to establish the 16th Hong Kong Group (“the Group”) as early as 1939. On 1 June 1940, the Group was officially founded. In the early days, the Scout Association of Hong Kong had not yet divided into administrative districts, so the group was named 香港第十六旅. The numbering of the groups was assigned according to their order of establishment. To date, Hong Kong has over 1,200 Scout Groups, and the Group is one of the few with a long history. Before World War II, the Group had a campsite in Chai Wan, which was cultivated by the scouts themselves.  During holidays, the campsite was filled with tents and active scouts. 

16th in the Wars

1937年,中國抗日戰爭爆發。1938年,港英政府表面上依然中立,但已著手備戰,成立了防空救護隊(Air Raid Precaution Corps)。之後更成立由童軍組成的防空傳訊隊(ARP Despatch Corps)。一旦戰時溝通渠道受毀,童軍便可協助傳遞消息。1941年,太平洋戰爭爆發,香港未能倖免於戰火,十六旅童軍亦有參與戰時傳遞消息的工作,於香港保衞戰奮鬥至淪陷一刻,期間有兩名十六旅童軍於黃泥涌峽戰事殉職。日佔時期,香港童軍運動戛然而止。

In 1937, the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out. In 1938, although the Hong Kong British government officially remained neutral, it began preparations for war by establishing the Air Raid Precaution Corps. Subsequently, the Air Raid Precaution Despatch Corps, composed of scouts, was formed. In the event that communication channels were destroyed during wartime, scouts could assist in relaying messages. In 1941, the Pacific War broke out, and Hong Kong could not escape the ravages of war. The scouts of our Group participated in relaying messages during the war, fighting in the Battle of Hong Kong until the city fell. During this period, two scouts from the Group were killed in action in Wong Nai Chung Gap. The Scout movement in Hong Kong came to an abrupt halt during the Japanese occupation.

Investiture Ceremony in 1940s
Our scouts cooked during the scout meeting

Do Our Best

五十年代,十六旅繼續以服務香港為己任。1953年12月25日,深水埗白田村發生火災,五萬人無家可歸。十六旅深資童軍到前線參與救援,從災場搬出焦黑的屍體,並擔任英軍翻譯員,協助災民登記。李鐵擎、洪昭旋、陳天富等深資童軍亦先後考獲榮譽童軍獎章(Queen’s Scout Award)── 深資童軍支部最高榮譽獎章。其後十六旅陷入第一個低潮,由於缺乏領袖,成員數目不斷減少,全旅只剩十餘名深資童軍。幸得李鐵擎先生和洪昭旋先生等人力挽狂瀾,十六旅不致解散。

In the 1950s, the Group continued to serve Hong Kong. On 25 December 1953, a fire in Shek Kip Mei left 50,000 people homeless. The Venture Scouts of our Group participated in the rescue, moving charred bodies from the scene and acting as interpreters for the British Army to assist in registering the victims. Venture Scouts Lee Tit-king, Hung Chiu-shuen, and Chan Tin-fu were awarded the Queen's Scout Award, the highest award for Venture Scouts. However, the Group soon faced its first downturn, with a declining number of members due to a lack of leaders, leaving only a dozen Venture Scouts in the Group. Fortunately, Mr. Lee Tit-king and Mr. Hung Chiu-shuen managed to revive the Group, preventing its dissolution.

Highs and Lows

1976年, 陳天富老師從顧達明(Gerard Kerklaan)神父手上接任十六旅旅長。七十年代末,十六旅改組,由幼童軍團、童軍團、深資童軍團各一,擴展成三個幼童軍團、兩個童軍團、一個深資童軍團,簡稱為「三二一」制,全旅共有二百至三百位童軍,踏入全盛時期。七十至八十年代,十六旅轄下各團在大型比賽中均有出色表現,如港島地域游泳錦標大賽、主教盾比賽、威爾斯太子錦標賽等,享譽日隆,甚至於好幾個大型比賽皆囊括大部分冠軍,令主辦單位停辦同類型比賽。


In 1976, Mr. Chan Tin-fu took over as Group Scout Leader from Father Gerard Kerklaan. By the late 1970s, the 16th Group reorganized, expanding from one Cub Pack, one Scout Troop, and one Venture Scout Unit to three Cub Packs, two Scout Troops, and one Venture Scout Unit, known as the "3-2-1" system, with a total of 200 to 300 Scouts, reaching its peak. In the 1970s and 1980s, the various sections of the 16th Group performed excellently in major competitions, such as the Hong Kong Island swimming championships, the Bishop's Shield Competition, and the Prince of Wales Trophy, often winning most of the championships and causing the organizers to stop holding similar competitions.

In 1989, the Group faced its second downturn, with a sharp decrease in members. The Cub Packs were reduced to one Pack, and the Scout Troops were merged into one. From 1992 to 2003, alumni Scout leader Mr. Yeung Ka-ming served as Group Scout Leader, after which the position remained vacant.

Group Photo

Millennium Period

2005年起,十六旅再度中興,童軍團先後於步操比賽、港島西區會長盃、港島童軍毅行等比賽奪得佳績。同年,小學部於十六旅新設小童軍支部(Grasshopper Ring)。往後,十六旅不再把活動局限於香港,繼九十年代初期曾參與海外活動外,再於2010年起派團員出埠參與海外舉辦的童軍大露營。

Starting in 2005, the Group experienced a resurgence, with the Scout Troop achieving excellent results in various competitions such as footdrill competition, the District President's Cup, and the Island Scout Trail Walk. In the same year, the Grasshopper Ring was established within the Group for the Primary Section. The Group no longer limited its activities to Hong Kong and, in addition to participating in overseas activities in the early 1990s, began sending members abroad to attend international scout jamborees starting in 2010.

Our scouts at the 23rd World Scout Jamboree

Reaching New Heights

2010年,十六旅七十周年旅慶,於快活谷馬場舉行晚宴,筵開十九席。該年亦是旅團輝煌的一年,十六旅成功躋身全港嘉爾頓錦標賽總決賽。嘉爾頓錦標賽始於1951年,兩年一度,為童軍支部最高水平之技能比賽。代表十六旅出賽的小隊先後於港島西區選拔賽、港島地域選拔賽出線,最後於總決賽擊敗各地域勁旅,摘下桂冠,成為童軍支部的最佳小隊。其後,代表十六旅出賽的小隊亦分別於2012年和2014年的總決賽奪得總亞軍和總冠軍,成績斐然。2012年,陳必良老師擔任旅長。2015 年,十六旅慶祝七十五周年旅慶,於銅鑼灣警官會所舉行晚宴,筵開二十三席。2017 年,蘇浩賢老師接任旅長。

In 2010, the Group celebrated its 70th anniversary with a banquet at Happy Valley Racecourse, hosting 19 tables. That year was also a glorious one for the Group, as they successfully reached the finals of the Carlton Trophy Competition. The Carlton Trophy Competition, initiated in 1951 and held biennially (triennially starting from 2016), is the highest-level skills competition for Scout Troops. The team representing the Group advanced through the Western District and Hong Kong Island regional qualifiers and ultimately won the championship in the finals, becoming the best team in the Scout Section. Subsequently, the team representing the Group also won the first runner-up and championship in the 2012 and 2014 finals, respectively. In 2012, Mr. Chan Bit-leung served as Group Scout Leader. In 2015, the Group celebrated its 75th anniversary with a banquet at the Causeway Bay Police Officers' Club, hosting 23 tables. In 2017, Mr. So Ho-yin succeeded as Group Scout Leader.

Our Scout Troop won the overall champion of the Carlton Trophy Competition

Exploring New Frontiers

2019年,深資童軍黃凱威考獲榮譽童軍獎章(Dragon Scout Award),成為21世紀首位考獲深資童軍支部最高獎章的成員。2020年1月11日,十六旅慶祝八十周年旅慶,於銅鑼灣世貿會舉行晚宴。同年一月下旬起,「2019冠狀病毒病」爆發,全港面授形式的童軍活動被迫暫停,本旅各支部以「停課不停學」為原則,積極發展網上集會和活動的新領域,包括恆常網上集會、網上獎章考核機制、網上領導才訓練活動等。因應疫情情況,童軍活動亦在2020至2022初年間間歇性恢復實體活動。2022年5月3日,實體童軍活動全面恢復,十六旅亦積極參與各項活動及比賽,屢獲殊榮。

In 2019, Venture Scout Wong Hoi-wai attained the Dragon Scout Award, becoming the first member in the 21st century to achieve the highest award in the Venture Scout Section. On 11 January 2020, the Group celebrated its 80th anniversary with a banquet at the World Trade Centre in Causeway Bay. Later that month, the outbreak of COVID-19 forced the suspension of all face-to-face scout activities across Hong Kong. Adhering to the principle of "suspending classes without suspending learning," the Group's various sections actively developed new approaches to online gatherings and activities. These included regular online meetings, an online badge assessment mechanism, and online leadership training activities. Depending on the pandemic situation, Scout activities intermittently resumed face-to-face formats from 2020 to early 2022. On 3 May 2022, face-to-face scout activities fully resumed, and the Group actively participated in various activities and competitions, consistently achieving honors.

Online group meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic period

Eight Decades of Legacy


Soon after its establishment, the 16th Hong Kong Group faced the turmoil of war and experienced several downturns, making its fate seem fraught with challenges. However, looking back, it is evident that the 16th Group has always managed to emerge from these low points and achieve new heights. This resilience is not a matter of luck, but rather the result of the unwavering dedication and legacy upheld by the members of the Blue Troop over the past eighty-plus years.

Group photo of the 80th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Post-War Period

重光後,香港童軍運動開始復蘇,香港第十三旅(中央華人)、第七旅(灣仔)、第十六旅(聖類斯中學)均在1945年底率先恢復活動。當時十六旅由領袖王天熊先生帶領,積極重組。十六旅於1945年11月12日正式復旅。在1947年4月出版的《香港童軍月刊》,記載了一批最早獲總會批准於戰後成立的旅團,當中便包括香港第十六旅。此時全港大部分旅團缺乏物資和設備,惟十六旅所有成員於戰後首次宣誓,都能穿上完整制服。這歸功於校內來自中立國的神父,在日治時期沒有被拘留,更冒險把童軍制服和設備藏於自己房間。值得一提的是,童軍總會於1946年1月恢復出版《香港童軍月刊》,也是由聖類斯工藝學院承印,當時每本售價三角。其後,童軍總會改組,在童軍支部以外(Scout Troop),分別增設幼童軍團(Cub Pack)和深資童軍團(Venture Scout Unit)。十六旅亦先後設立這些支部。

After the war, the Scouting movement in Hong Kong began to revive. The 13th Hong Kong Group (Central Chinese), the 7th Hong Kong Group (Wan Chai), and the 16th Hong Kong Group (St. Louis School) all resumed activities at the end of 1945. At that time, the 16th Group was led by Mr. Wong Tin-hung, who actively reorganized the group. The 16th Group officially resumed on November 12, 1945. The April 1947 issue of The Hong Kong Scout Monthly recorded a batch of groups approved by the Association to be re-established post-war, including the 16th Hong Kong Group. At that time, most groups in Hong Kong lacked supplies and equipment, but all members of the 16th Group were able to wear complete uniforms during their first post-war oath-taking. This was thanks to the neutrality of priests at the school, who were not detained during the Japanese occupation and bravely hid the Scout uniforms and equipment in their own rooms. Notably, the Scout Association resumed publishing The Hong Kong Scout Monthly in January 1946, which was printed by the St. Louis Technical Institute and sold for three cents each. Subsequently, the Scout Association reorganized and established the Cub Pack and Venture Scout Unit in addition to the Scout Troop. The 16th Group also established these sections in succession.

Flag Raising Ceremony held outside our scout room
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